When investing in real estate, it is highly desirable to achieve positive cash flow on a month-to-month basis. This is true even if you are counting on property value appreciation to supply the bulk of your desired return on investment. If you are losing money month-to-month, you may find all of your eventual profits eaten up by the monthly drain on your income. This will be particularly true if... ❯❯❯
Recently I closed on the sale of two homes. They were located about a mile apart and had comparable market values. However, beyond these two similarities, the two deals were very different from each other. Let me discuss in more detail the similarities and differences of the two deals. My business partner and I purchased both properties from families who were in preforeclosure. The leads for... ❯❯❯
So you want to work from your home, invest in real estate, and make a fortune... Well, there are not too many more excuses that can be made in this day and age concerning working from home... With so many multiple listing services constantly uploading fresh data to the web and the the niche sites for foreclosure data, the tools are quite readily available to begin a career in real estate right... ❯❯❯
Dad always said that Real estate is a good investment because they don’t make it anymore. Because they are so busy these days anyone selling your home may be thinking more of listing more homes than your welfare. If you plan on selling and moving you will need to take some simple steps to get the most money you can. Most Real Estate companies do a good job but in a sellers market you can... ❯❯❯
Real Estate can be a great investment with unusual appreciation. We have had several years years of exceptional annual appreciation. We are still having great appreciation, perhaps as much as 20% annually in some areas. But, it is not as extensive nor as much as it was. Real Estate as an investment can be fairly good to best in the world -- but it is an investment that is best viewed over the... ❯❯❯
In Real Estate "Time" is a Wealth Development Tools Real estate wealth, From The Desk Of Colm Dillon Hello, Colm here ... In this report I use figures from my area of the world ... I know they don't apply all over the world, but they should encourage you to get the figures for yourself. After all no report is going to make your money grow ... it's the knowledge you gain and "Your Application... ❯❯❯